► ► ► Space Science Program for Adults ◄ ◄ ◄
Children and teenagers aren't the only ones who can benefit from Space Science Education. Andy Newman, professor of Astronomy Education and Engagement at the Astrophysics Research Institute says, "Anyone who wants to learn should be able to, and anything we can do to make that happen is important."
Probably the biggest influence on children and teenagers is their family and relatives. So, if we can get them interested in science it may have an important impact on children to become excited about science.
Although outreach to adults has occurred in libraries, museums, schools and other places it was found that the adult market still hadn't been successfully tapped into. In the past few years new and interesting attempts have been made to create something more adult friendly. These have been highly successful.
These new attempts, to reach adults have emerged in several of the larger cities from New York City to Seattle and worldwide. One of the ways is through Science Cafes, which offer presentations on different areas of science. The unique aspect here is that they are offered at establishments that serve beer, cocktails and/or wine. Specifically, Astronomy and Space Exploration presentations, for adults, have become very popular within these establishments as well. The benefit of doing presentations within a bar or pub is because of the more relaxed and casual atmosphere where learning is fun and interactive.
Therefore, if it has been successful in bar and pub-settings, it would be equally successful for microbreweries and wineries.
CASA UNCORKED and on TAP offer mature audiences the chance to become involved with accessible and fun presentations in various areas of Astronomy and Space Exploration. Typically, they are 90 minutes in length, presented by “C the Rocket Man”. These presentations are interspersed with a take home activity which is either a painting of planets or something else galactic, hands-on activities, Space Science scavenger hunts & trivia and videos. Its uniqueness is that the presentations are done at wineries where the audience taste their favorite wines and/or microbreweries over a bottle or glass of beer.

Something else that is unique is that NASA and other related organizations are currently doing research into the effects of microgravity on substances to make beer and the possibility of making beer and wine in space or when we colonize other celestial bodies. Also, the space theme is common at many wineries and microbreweries across the globe.
To find out more about how Stars and Space UNCORKED and on TAP would be
a fun event or part of an existing one
email us at centiastrospace@gmail.com or centiastrospace@centiastrospace.com
or call: (716) 338 - 7596
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Centi Astro-Space Activities
Christopher S. Centi, "C the Rocket Man"
91 East Main Street P.O. Box 283
Brocton, New York 14716
Business Cell: (716) 338 - 7596
E-Mail: centiastrospace@gmail.com
Web Site: www.centiastrospace.com